Feel free to browse the links provided they are your ticket to a wealth of information related to sound.
Audio Engineering Society Acoustical Society of AmericaCustom Electronic Design and Installation AssociationHouse Ear InstituteIEEE Home Page Internet Sound InstituteLive Audio BoardMix Magazine National Fire Protection AssociationNational Systems Contractor Association Occupational Safety and Health AdministrationSoundcheck MagazineSynAudCon WWW Virtual Library on Acoustics and Vibration
Equipment manufacturers
A Acoustics First CorporationAlesis Allen Products Co., Inc.Allen & Heath Atlas Soundolier APCAphexApplied Microphone TechnologyAshly Audio Inc. AudaceAudio ControlAVCable.com
B Bag End BenchmarkBeyer DynamicBGW SystemsBiamp Systems, Inc.Bruel and Kjaer
C Cabbage CasesCanare CastersDirectCelestionCiscoCommunity Professional Loudspeakers, Inc.Cord-LoxCountryman Crest AudioCrown International, Inc.
D dbxDenonDigital Audio Labs
E Eastern Acoustic Works, Inc.ElectrovoiceEvent 1
F FostexFrazier Loudspeakers, Inc. Furman
G Galaxy AudioGentner Communications Corp. Goldline
H HannayHewlett Packard
I IBMIMP Systems Inc Industrial AcousticsInnovative Electronic Designs, IncIRP, Inc. Ivie
J JBL ProfessionalJensen Transformers Josephson MicrophonesJ.W. Davis Company
K KDM Electronics IncKlipsch Korg
L Lake DSPLARES/Lexicon Lectrosonics, IncLevel ControlLiberty Instruments LucentLynTec, Inc.
M Mackie DesignsMadahcomMiddle Atlantic Products, Inc.
N NetgearNeumann NeutrikNew Frontier Electronics
OEM Electronic Sources OpcodeOtari
P Peak AudioPeavey Electronics Polar Focus, Inc.PresonusProCo
Q QSC Audio
R RPG DiffusorsRadio Design Labs Rane CorporationRapcoRenkus-Heinz, Inc. Roland
S Sabine, Inc.Scamp Sound Masking SystemsSennheiserShure Bros. Inc.SiemensSKBSonySoundcraftSoundscapeSound Devices LLC Stage AccompanySwitchcraft
T TannoyTeacTechnomadTectumTelex/EVI Audio TOA Electronics, Inc.Trend MicroTube Trap
U Ultimate
V Velleman
W Whirlwind
Y Yamaha
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